And you are?

Posted On 3:44 PM by Brandon Bertram |

Greetings folks! Allow me to introduce myself...

My name is Brandon and I have to admit I've never been to a writer's festival before, let alone blogged about one. But, I've heard rumours of boxed wine and room-temperature cheese, so I'm sure It'll be right up my alley. Not to mention the fact that after four years wading through the waters of undergraduate academia, more or less directionless, I have finally declared myself as a Creative Writing major, so reading and writing are what I study and what I do. So, over the course of this next week I'll be dipping into the literary scene, taking in readings, lectures, and launches, and more than likely falling behind in my studies. Sometimes there's just no time for sleeping.

Anyway, I just thought I'd say hello.

I just pulled some delicious cheesy flat-bread out of the oven, so I'm gonna sign off for now and slice into that before getting ready for Voices From Oodena in just a couple of hours. Maybe I'll see you there?


Brandon James Bertram is an English/Creative Writing student at the University of Winnipeg. He reads, writes, rides bikes, and drinks coffee.
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